As the temperature drops, and we feel the brisk wind blowing summer beach trips and lakeside campfires away, we welcome the vibrant colors and low evening light that come with Autumn. Here are 4 activities that will have you falling for Minneapolis parks this season.
#1. Forage for Fruits and Nuts in Parks
As of fall 2017, community members can harvest certain fruits and nuts from specified areas within the Minneapolis Park System – as long as it’s for non-commercial use. Here’s a flyer detailing what you are allowed to forage and what areas are off-limits in Minneapolis parks.
Be sure to do your homework before heading out to forage, as some fruit and nut trees may look similar to those not on the list. If you have more questions about what and where to forage, you can call the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board at 612-230-6400.
For more information on foraging, visit:
#2. Experience Fall Foliage
The banks of the Mississippi River are sure to show a beautiful display of colors this time of year. You can experience the riverbanks via boat or kayak, as well as on foot.
The Lake Street Bridge and Franklin Street Bridge offer beautiful views looking down the Mississippi River towards Mississippi Gorge Regional Park. Ford Parkway Bridge is another crossing, which boasts views of Minnehaha Regional Park looking south. Further north, the Plymouth and Lowry Avenue Bridges offer great vantage points as well. Whichever point you choose, there’s bound to be exceptional fall colors along both sides of the river.
One of our past blog posts, found here, showcases three additional Minneapolis parks to experience beautiful fall foliage.
#3. Catch Sight of Birds on their Migration South
As countless birds begin their migration south for the winter, there are many great parks that offer scenic, peaceful points to catch their flight paths.
We recommend:
Thomas Sadler Roberts Bird Sanctuary
Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Refuge
To read more about the fall migration:
Minnesota Birding by Season: Fall
#4. Fall Events in Minneapolis
Armatage Fall Fest
Friday Oct. 25th 6pm – 8:30pm at Armatage Recreation Center
Event Description:
“Calling all ghouls, goblins, princesses, superheroes, and costumed critters down to Armatage Park for a safe, fun fall party perfect for the whole family. We will have decorated Trick or Treat trail where kids will stop at each station to receive their treats and prizes. Other activities include a horse drawn hayride, bonfire, toasty s’mores, music and much more! This is the perfect event to connect with your neighbors and community.”
Check out the complete list of MPRB Fall Events and find one near you!