Category: Observations

More musings on the Mississippi River

More musings on the Mississippi River

A couple of weeks ago, Tom Evers wrote about his experience paddling the Mississippi in mid-October – a member of our first staff development...

Reflecting on the river

Reflecting on the river

In late October, after the glorious blaze of autumn color had begun to fade from the trees, Minneapolis Parks Foundation staff spent a half-day...

Join me in a broader vision for MPF

Join me in a broader vision for MPF

Hello, Friends – It is an honor to be selected to serve as the Executive Director of the Minneapolis Parks Foundation. Minneapolis’ and the...

Three reports we’re reading now

Three reports we’re reading now

A quick look at the some of the topics and data that inform our work.   1. Regional Park Usage Among Select Communities of Color Diverse...

Pausing, but not standing still

Pausing, but not standing still

Hello Friends – It’s been a productive eight weeks since I came to the Parks Foundation as Interim Executive Director. During this time, the...

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