Common Ground

Gratitude and Appreciation

At the end of every week, I dedicate time to thank people who help support our mission and who help us extend the impact of the Minneapolis Parks Foundation. This past week, following Give to the Max Day, I had a larger than usual stack of thank you letters to sign and calls to make. Ending the week with gratitude helps me prepare for the next and underscores the responsibilities we have in serving the community well. It is unquestionable that Minneapolis parks are appreciated by so many people from across the city and beyond. Together, we share a common love for the parks that surround us — and your contributions allow us to do even more.

Gratitude and appreciation can remedy the lingering exhaustion many of us feel. We’ve just completed a challenging election season shadowed by community trauma, and every interaction remains cloaked in the realities of this enduring pandemic. Yet in spite of the challenges we face, or because of them, dozens of individuals answered a calling to run for the Park Board to serve the community for the next four years. Public service is demanding, but our city depends on individuals making the commitment of their time and energy. To the many candidates who ran and to those who won, thank you. We look forward to the work ahead.

This past year, in partnership with the community, we’ve supported programming and amenities in dozens of parks across Minneapolis. Whether it was opening two new signature parks at Water Works and the Overlook, activating our parks through the Somali Games at Currie Park, bird watching walks along the river, or restocking Little Free Libraries at recreation centers across the city, our work has grown with every contribution. Your support has allowed us to reach more people than any year prior. The board and staff of the Minneapolis Parks Foundation strive to understand and advance the aspirations of our community to help ensure that our parks meet the needs of the changing world and strengthen our community one investment at a time.

We have a fortune of generosity in this community and a wealth of talent not yet fully tapped. We have a deep appreciation in this city for our parks and a shared desire to nurture a park system where all of us can find solace and respite in the hardest of times and share joy within our community together. I am re-energized with gratitude and hope as I think about the possibilities our parks hold and how we can come together around them. I hope you continue to join us as we do even more in the year to come. Thank you.

Featured Images: Minneapolis Parks Foundation, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board

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