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MPF supports seeking dedicated funding for neighborhood parks

In January, we shared that the Minneapolis Parks Foundation supports the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s efforts to seek dedicated funding for our community’s 160 neighborhood parks. Since then, Save Our Minneapolis Parks has been formed as a citizen-led group advocating for a neighborhood parks referendum in 2016.

Today, Save Our Minneapolis Parks announced that it has secured four key endorsements, including that of the Minneapolis Parks Foundation, which makes the following statement of support:

The Minneapolis Parks Foundation endorses the efforts of Save Our Minneapolis Parks to seek long-term, sustainable committed funding to maintain and enhance our neighborhood parks so that they continue to meet the needs of this generation and those to follow.

To learn more about the proposed referendum and what it means to you as a parks user, check out the Minneapolis Park Board’s Closing the Gap informational campaign. To learn more about the citizen-led effort to secure dedicated neighborhood parks funding, visit Save Our Minneapolis Parks.

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